



开幕致辞(8: 30 - 8: 45)
邓宇皓 嘉宾演讲:quantum computational advantage using photons(8: 45 - 9: 10)
session i(9: 10 - 10: 10)
俞颉颃:bosonic quantum commutation and network
叶 京:introduction to trapped ion quantum computing
庄竞泽:introduction to quantum error correction in ion trap
张 劢:photon loss of superconductive microwave cavity due to peizoelectric effect
茶歇、墙报交流(10: 10 - 10: 40)
session ii(10: 40 - 11: 40)
邵文杰:ultraviolet second harmonic generation for trapped ion experiment
王梓越:on the renormalization group running of the entanglement entropy 
张及之:introduction to causal inference in deep learning
唐毅萌:constraints on the origin of surface brightness profile breaks of disk galaxies
午间休息(11: 40 - 14: 00)
session iii(14: 00 - 15: 00)
金俊岚:resonant photoproduction of pionic atoms
欧晓薇:measurement of the shape of the zy in ppbar to muon pairs collision 
方 硕:chiral kinetic theory with collisional effects
唐歆懿:intrinsic magnetism of xbi2te4/x2bi2te5 (x=mn, v, ni, eu)
茶歇、墙报交流(15: 00 - 15: 20)
session iv(15: 20 - 16: 20)
朱科航:emergent photon and spinon in quantum spin ice
郭明尧:electronic nature of the pseudogap in electron-doped sr2iro4
孙树文:high chern number topological superconducting phase in heavy metal monolayer
尹轶亮:closed-time path (ctp) green's functions and k-b equation
总结、颁奖(16: 20 - 16: 40)
注:每位学生报告10分钟 5分钟提问
